I took advantage of the prime cutting weather and set out to re up Mom’s wood supply. Grandpa dropped this one around 60 years ago when he farmed this land, and since then it has coppiced into the most prolific co-dom I have ever seen. I grew up in these woods and would have kept this one around but the borer had other plans. The only thing worse than seeing good trees die is letting good wood go to waste so the 372 got to eat and the rounds piled up. Between the four stems I took and a windfall sugar maple, I figure I got about 3 cord on the ground, enough to feed Mom’s little Jotul for a winter. The cold killed my iPod battery so only got the before shot and one after shot. Hope Grandpa would approve.
He's probably smilin' lookin' down on your and chuckling... ... Looks like some nice handling size too....
Wow, that was a heck of a mess! Lotsa wood though so that’s always good. 372 made quick work of it I bet.
I’m sure grandpa would be proud. Awesome work and taking care of Mom to boot. Winner of the day right there
Nah, white ash. The EAB is really taking hold in my area and the family land has not been spared. Luckily, we have plenty of maple, cherry, hickory and the ever popular black locust. Yeah still breaking her in but this thing rips! No featherweight though. On that stump in the background I had to do some high cuts to avoid ingrown barb wire and was really feeling the burn in my arms. I’ll use my 450 to finish up the limbing.