Spend all afternoon yesterday with my brother in law grabbing some white and red oak rounds from a friend of his. Loaded up our trucks and trailers and headed over to his place to split it all, ended up with a decent sized load. He had a few round of a tree that blew over year or two ago on his property, wasn't sure what kind. Sorry the pics aren't great, pretty sun bleached and he indicated it had thorns. I was thinking some kind of locust maybe? I don't see much or know much about locust around here. Thanks in advance!
I know black locust is primo stuff, so I've seen a bunch of pics online of it so I can ID it if see a score around here, but not in person. That was my first thought was black locust with that distinct bark look. Thank you!
Thats black locust gold. Scrape the bark off and split in ASAP and it may be ready for next Winter. Awesome score there RF!