The vehicle washes will happen today. It will get to 50° and 60° tomorrow. Looks like a lot of rain next week, so the wash won't last long on my truck.
Going to 57° today with tonight looking like the last night of 32° or less for the next ten days, so they say. Daytimes will all be in the 50°+ territory. That should get the ground to thaw the frost.
I really need to do that also. I've got moose blood on the side of the bed of my pu that has been frozen there since early November.
Think is was 18 this morning didn’t bother to load as house was still warm and it is sunny currently almost 50; is in the sun
It was 15 here on the southern border of Vermont. Stove had some coals so I threw a couple of sticks in for the morning chill. Then let it go out. Also got some of that 50ish degree weather in the afternoon. Felt good to get out in the sun a bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
40 here this morning and no fire going. Ran the furnace for a few minutes to take the chill out and will be turning the t-stat down. Warm and windy today.
One of these
We’ve gotten about 6” of fresh snow in the last couple of hours. Supposed to snow all night and most of the day tomorrow. The good news is that it’s one of the warmer nights we’ve had lately. Probably because of the cloud cover. 76 degrees in the house, thanks to some Russian Olive splits I uncovered today!
It got up to 30 above today. Prolly be 10 below or colder in the morning. Going to build a fire in the woodstove soon .