In pulling a pile apart...for delivery, found a couple nests like that buZZsaw BRAD , assuming that was a mouse house... So far though, none in the stacks close to the house...but we brought that wood up late, not knowing if we'd burn this year. In the fall, we might bring a couple weeks worth at a time...and then bring up the bulk of it as late as we can... Sca
So there are a few spiders which qualify as Wolf Spiders, namely non web-building, ground dwelling, runs after its prey type critters. However, this article brings up another spider perhaps best NOT handled: How to Identify a Wolf Spider: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Brown Recluse has a violin print just behind the head...not on the rear end. This week I tossed a cord or arranging a stack after delivery, and ended up removing a buncha slivers...with two yet to come out. On that account, and now with Brown recluses in mind, I'll be wearing gloves. I wonder if we should be as careless moving wood around. Sca
Not a critter in the stack but entertaining to say the least! Went outside this morning and heard a squirrel barking like mad. Saw him in this maple in my yard, so I introduced the cats to the base of the tree. Black and white one tried but finally gave up. Came home around 530, and the squirrel is still in the tree. I shook him out and he took off for the woods! Poor thing!
Wife found this guy on the wall yesterday. I’m guessing he was on a log that I had staged by the wood stove. He probably thawed out and woke up. I took him out and put him on an Aspen tree. Good luck, little guy!
Nah. Just a common Colorado wood bore beetle. They break down dead and decaying wood. Pretty good bugs.
If I saw that spider in one of my stacks I'd never pick it up. In fact I'd probably burn the stack to make sure I got him!
Windy here blew a big piece of plasrtc off a stack. I had some sheets of OSB on top to smooth it out. Moved two of them and found this. Sticks and nesting material. Squirrel?
Yikes! Id hate to run into THAT snake. They dont bother me for the most part. A belated welcome to the forum Marshall Guy Great to have you