No caption required. At first glance I wondered what they’re putting in the water in Wyoming to produce miniature yak/Ewok hybrids Poor thing!
So, been plowing alllllll day. Drove home from work this morning. I was going around one buried vehicle after another. When I got home this morning we had about 22”. We have about 36” now. Certainly no 5 feet, but still impressive. Still snowing too. I’ve plowed the driveway 5 times today. Got my ATV super stuck a few times. It’s been frustrating, but we need the moisture. It’s SUPER heavy wet snow. I’ll try to get some better pics tomorrow. First pic is a random snow plowing pic. The pic with the snow shovel was the actual depth of the snow across my driveway. I was chipping away at it by hand near the shed.
I'm still dying!! Tell her my description above and see if she agrees? In real life she is this the breed in the pic below, but that pic is
wildwest - A friend of mine is reporting 43” inches at his house in Livermore. It’s roughly between FTC and Red Feather.
You folks be careful out there Cash Larue & wildwest ! We've been on the receiving end of big snowfalls like that a couple times & it can be daunting to say the least. Those drifts get like concrete as I'm sure you know. Stay safe & warm.
Omg the thought of that much snow makes me queasy. That's a lot of shoveling Cash Larue and sounds like you'll have plenty more. wildwest, german wirehair pointer or wirehair griffon?
It’s my nature. My wife says the same thing all the time. But I’m a bit neurotic about stuff like this. Plus we are supposed to get another storm on Tuesday. So I need to make a little headway. I appreciate the concern though
Same here....guilty as charged. When I get back into the house I usually hear something like "Why didn't you use the snowblower?" I will shovel as much as I can before I start the snowblower. But, for the amount you got, that snowblower would be running for sure!
No german, she's a Giant Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. She is supposed to be on a bird hunting trip with husband and kiddo for spring break That ranch got clobbered, the roofs on the bird pens collapsed and they're all running loose braving the storm unfortunately.
Fort Collins got about 2 an half to 3'. I asked him if he had to work. He is a manager of a restaurant. He called his GM and he didn't know as he was digging out. That was about 11 CO time.
Aw man. You're breaking my heart here. I've had two of these big boys over the years and sadly both have passed. No children in my life, so they were my babies. They are such a loving breed.
This little gal is no exception, soo sweet and loving She cracks me up, that giant cavernous bird dog mouth and she eats and takes food from your hand so delicately. Have you thought about another one another pair?
Satellite is back up finally. Boy, that got heavy and wet quick! Had to run the snowblower about 6 hrs yesterday and a little today. It's warm and already melting thank goodness. Neighbors lane is plowed again, but got the 6-wheeler buried last night. #1200 lbs of atv isn't easy to unstick. Tape measure showed 25"after it had settled a bit. Glad it's over, the next ones won't be that bad before it warms up.
WWW ventured out, we're drifted in for a day or two til the men that are able on this road to chip through the drifts (to the paved road that gets plowed by the county). Kind of expected here for heavy spring storms Two very old pickups with plows, WWW on the quad, and not sure what the other end of the road is doing.