Got the second Pfizer yesterday. At home today with body aches, and overall crudiness. Plenty of reports of some side effects, so I was expecting this. I work with a senior population, and we had the option. They all got it and are doing well. Life goes on.
If by summer you're overcome with the urge to by a Prius, slap a COEXIST bumper sticker on it, throw some sandals on and head on out to the Phish concert.... well, it worked as prescribed.
I got the Moderna and my wife got the Pfizer. We go in for our second shot on the 16th. No side effects for me and only slight ones for my wife.
I think that's required if you live in NH or VT I'm only kidding. Actually still keep a couple Grateful Dead CDs in my truck at any given time, mostly because I'm not that much of the other type of NPC.
Maybe so. Rubber boots all winter long and work boots 10 hours a day take a toll on the dogs. Gotta let the get some air to them at some point. I was playing some live GD at work a while ago a coworker was complaining he didn’t like it. “Don’t worry this song should be over in about 3 hours” was my reply. Lol edited out the fat fingers
Live Dead shows can definitely drag on... and on... Like Pink Floyd can as well. It's the type of thing you need time to listen to, not like some fluff radio friendly whatever. I can see how it could easily send a coworker who's not too keen on it into a rage
I got the Pfizer in January - slight arm soreness on 1st shot, body aches all over the day after the second shot - it passed quick. I already had Grateful Dead CD’s but I drive a truck, play with chain saws and heat with wood so I doubt I’m in trouble? The wife got her first dose (Pfizer) yesterday - arm real sore today, she’s generally more prone to aches & pains than me.