Did some cutting this morning at a old couple's place down the road from the house. I keep them in firewood and can take what I need from their 15+ acres of woods. Gassed up the saws and that's when it happened. Grabbed my saw before replacing the fuel cap. Gas all over....1st time for everything
Thats what a pair of chaps are for. A diaper for your legs. Yup ; done that. You can't blame that one on the flippy-cap. Is that glass half full or half empty?
Same thing happened to me twice last summer. Once with my Husky weed whacker and once with my Echo chainsaw. Short term memory shot. Oh to be 50 again.
Looking on the bright side, had it been the oil cap, at least the chaps would then be more water resistant.
Been there, done that. I have tried it with oil as well. A few weeks ago during a pretty cold snap I went out to cut and during the cold I leave the gallon of oil in the cab. Grabbed it from the passenger door and the cap wasn't on tight. Dropped on the floor and spilled. At least old Black Betty has no carpet, just rubber.
I’ve done it more times than I can remember. Friday being the most recent. Mostly on oil. With the old style caps, if not scrench tightened they’d come loose while cutting. The flip caps, when I think they are clipped in and they are not. On both I have just forgotten to plug the hole before use. Early versions of oil flippies are the worst for fake outs. The worst part about oil dumping while cutting is when I don’t notice until cutting is affected and by that time the reservoir is packed with chips.
I thought I was the only one......I've never confessed this to anyone....5 or 6 year back, first saw, it was the oil plug. No chaps, relatively new and still clean jeans, almost the entire tank well.drained. I don’t remember if I got soaked through... Was a real whiskey tango foxtrot moment. Now, I'll catch myself filling one or the other, and not closing the hole, but now I look at 'er before pickin' 'er up. That's prevented a few spills! Sca
Ever pick up an unlocked old school full fishing tackle box? Now that's a mess. But I've done that with my weed eater, not my chainsaw...yet.
Well, (knock on wood) I have not done that yet, but that's better then what I did a few months ago. I filled the gas tank with bar oil and filled the oil tank with gas. Glad I had a second saw that day, cause it was a big day for cutting. I kept thinking I had flooded the saw and didn't figure it out until I got home that night. Thank goodness it wasn't too difficult to fix, once I discovered the problem. I don't think I will pull that stunt again, but you never know.
Ron T , where did you find non flippy caps? My husband broke his oil flippy oil cap last year, I ordered him one that included two with the description fuel/oil caps. They were both fuel He borrowed one from the MS170 so he's still up and running but he'd prefer non flippy.
Old saws...all I have are old saws. I have no experience with said flippy cap. Not sure I want to with what I read about them.