Curious how everyone would rate their winters up to this point. Currently I am at Dakotah Territory Fools Spring. The last 5 days in the 40s and weekend supposedly 50s. I know this is not long lasting though. In general though I would say this has been our easiest winter I remember, only 1 1/2 weeks below zero and no major snow storms yet. Kicked back by the fire pit tonight enjoying outside!
We have had a very mild winter. No big snow storms and only a couple of weeks where we had below zero temps. Not much different than what Greenstick described.
We had a "normal" winter overall. By that I mean a return to what a winter should be in Southern New England with cold and snow. November-December were mild, lots of 40s to almost 50 a few times. I was cutting wood mid-December in a T-shirt one day. Dry overall which made life easy. This continued until mid January when suddenly we got hammered week after week with more snow and colder temperatures. Lowest I remember seeing was 6 if I remember correctly, so no sub-zero this year. The cold stuck around until the 3rd week of February and now we're in a warming trend. Less fires, no need to bring in any more wood. Signs of spring on the horizon.
Good old fashioned winter here in Northern Pennsylvania. Temps. the past few winters were up & down like a yo yo, not this winter it got cold & it stayed cold likes it used to.
Overall mild. A couple of weeks of cold that felt like a lifetime at the time. News says we are over average of snowfall, but doesn't feel like it. Maybe burned a little over a cord of wood so far, but I know winter is not done. Seems like March and early April have a couple of big dumps.
I would have said mild until the last half of February and this start to March (pellet usage comparisons to previous years bears that out). Certainly hasn't been the snowiest, but the snow has stuck around and there have been very few days with any sun at all. We haven't had big winds but a couple times this year, and in fact most of the time we've barely had any breeze, which has helped in making it feel warmer. The lowest temp has not gotten anywhere close to the the -18* that I usually get several times per season, nor did we have a couple of weeks of high's only in the single digits. But once again, going by pellet usage last year was, overall, milder. There is still a layer from the December storm in this picture of the 16-18" snow pack taken yesterday morning.
The worst I've ever experienced but not because of the weather. RIP my love. The weather was not the warmest and certainly not the coldest as we had only a few nights below zero. Hardly any snow until February and that is going fast. Wood burning is down a bit. NOAA says we were below normal snow and above in temperature. I spent way less time outdoors this winter.
Colder than the last 2 years. Used more wood this year than the last 2 on the farm. Had almost 2-3 weeks of constant below freezing with one week never above single digits. Had a few ice storms with power outages for a day. Same electric co-op had areas without power for 3+ days once. It seemed colder than usual but based on my 42 years of weather and my grandfather's 86 years of weather knowledge it was an average winter. It's just been milder for the last 10+ years. Last summer never had the normal week of 100f highs. The whole year seemed cooler than the last few years. It will be interesting to see if this spring and summer are cool too. If they are I'd guess next winter will be colder yet. I'm behind on the 3 year plan. Partially because I burned some of next year's wood. We burned the locust and half the hedge I was saving for next year. It was all seasoned but I didn't plan on burning it. But it really kept the house warm when it was below freezing for so long.
Fairly mild in SW MI, with only a couple of cold weeks. 3'8" of snow thus far. The 10-year average says we should have 5'7" by now. So, pretty disappointing for winter sports, again.