It’s a standing dead elm! Greatest firewood ever (at least around my parts)! Want me to load up several huskies and come show you how it’s done?
Never burned it. Sitting out side somewhere. When i cut it last SPring i was going to mess with the forum and post a thread asking what type of wood it was.
My guess is Siberian Elm. But I really don't know. All I know is I have a ton of those things, they grow together like that, and the poison ivy vines choke them out. Mine don't grow very upwards like that one though, they kinda hang over mine and my neighbor's yards. I'm about sick and tired of burning that stuff for one season though.
I would say no. If the vine had a wound and it bleeds maybe yes, but i dont know how bad PI "bleeds". I only get a mild rash and am very mid full when working around it. Ive heard the dry "sap" can still cause a rash later on if touched.
Allright.... You said you'd reveal what that wood is on Wednesday. You didn't state anything about not mentioning what guesses are wrong.
Story of my life!!! Actually Mike if you read the OP i did say Wednesday night. Patience my friend, patience! Only Eric Schamell couldnt take the suspense and PMed me for the answer!
The answer is white oak or oak of some sort. I hacked into the bark and it was stringy like punky white oak. The sapwood was punky too, but heartwood was solid on the big tree. I felled the small twin and bucked a round. Its definitely oak, but had no oak smell to it. Punk went into the heartwood. Im wondering the condition of the big tree. Congrats to PA Mountain Man for the correct guess. I really thought it was an elm.
Would you have cut it down sooner if you’d have known it was oak? Must’ve been dead a while if it was that pinky!
No. Ive noticed it for three years. All the neighboring trees have blown over or been cut down. His wires are in the woods behind it. There's over a dozen dead white oaks in the back woods between both houses. I took one a couple years ago. Too hard and big to retrieve them.
It's too bad it's that far gone. All that saw work just to get rid of the hazard. I can't make heads or tails why sometimes you can cut an oak that's been gone for 10 years and it's still solid, other times they get soft in 5.