Winner, winner, way better than a chicken dinner! I love White Oak, just takes a bit to dry, but oh the heat it puts out.
Yes sir, it does take some time to season It does take some time to season, but I love white oak myself. Man said he had it taken down because it was leaning over his shop. He gave me permission to get all the wood and said it would be spoken for. Also said I can work on it as needed,that it isn’t going anywhere so that’s a win win for me
If i had the space, tools, and will, I'd move it as quick as I could. Split only to sizes you can lift. Final splitting back home.
I met with the owner today, he is a really good man. He has a couple more he is taking down in the future. Said I was welcome to all the wood I wanted. He gave me permission to come and go as I please.
Even with that being said, I still asked for his phone number. I’ll still notify him when I’m on his land cutting. That’s just respecting his property and letting him know I’m there.
From what it looks like it the pics, whatever is left after you’ve processed it isn’t going to be that big of a mess, but depending on your setup at home, you may have a mess to clean up if you process at home.I prefer to bring home loads of splits, leaving the mess where the tree was, but that’s not always the most efficient process. Guess it depends on the homeowners expectations too! Looking forward to that trees transformation
Yes the owner said, what I don’t get or leave behind will be pushed into a pile with his front end loader. He told me he would even snake out the tree if I wanted. But I’m fine where it’s at myself. I will ok it with him about the clean up for sure.
I understand completely, the tree is actually behind his shop.You can’t see it unless you walk behind his shop and lay eyes on it. He said it’s not bothering me either way.