In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Pellet heads!! What's up today?

Discussion in 'Pellet Stoves, Pellet Fireplaces, Pellet Furnaces' started by DexterDay, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. scajjr2


    Nov 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Kingston, NH
    Taking Lori to get her first shot this afternoon. My injection spot is still a tiny bit tender 6 days later but no other issues.

    Her's is at Hampstead Hospital so no Goody Cole's BBQ on way back today. Maybe some Lebanese from The Commodore Grill in Hampstead, haven't had some kibbeh in a while.

  2. SmokeyTheBear


    Oct 7, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Standish, ME
    Grump ,grump ,and GRUMP. Go back in 3 weeks.
  3. scajjr2


    Nov 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Kingston, NH
    What a difference in vaccine sites. Last Sat for mine it was outside in the car, long lines, if you start having a reaction start honking your horn, took about an hour total. Yesterday for Lori it was inside, no lines, a table full of snacks and all done in under 20 min. She got the Moderna, I received Pfizer.

  4. Snowy Rivers

    Snowy Rivers

    Nov 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Newberg, Oregon
    Finally digging out of the mess.
    Heavy rain coming in by mid day and plenty for several more days.

    Got up at the Buttcrack of dawn and got a cup of coffee on board.
    Weather radar showed a relative dry slot for about an hour or so.

    Decided to head down...get MUNCHY out and run a couple barrels of shells while it was not pouring down.

    Fed and watered the horse and hauled in a bunch of hay.

    Started getting wet as I put the tractor away.

    After this storm....the dependence on power of some source has come front and center as far as heating goes.

    We are at a crossroads now.....time to step up.

    Been thinking seriously about the Wiseway non electric stove.

    These are now UL approved for homes...and Manuf. homes too.

    A great stove....Let it sit for months/years....The need arises....pop in some pellets....stick the propane torch in the fire box and within a few to the rodeo.

    We have one corner left in the family room that we can use for a stove.

    The cost of the wiseway is very affordable....2400 Sq ft heating space.

    My bet is that one of these bad boys will burn shells too.....

    Only one way to find out... :D

    Started cleaning up the family room yesterday and getting a good look at what we have to work with :thumbs:
    We are pretty much heading out of the worst of winter now....but that Wiseway would have been sweet this past week or so.

    Home depot offers the Wiseway now....Our closest store is 15 minutes away down the Mt.....:thumbs:
  5. PelletHound


    Oct 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    SE Ma.
    I hear that they don't handle ash all that well.If you have access to Douglas fir pellets I think you will be fine.Do shells produce a lot of ash?
  6. ivanhoe


    Oct 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Northern Ontario
    IIRC it does create lot's of ashes.
  7. Snowy Rivers

    Snowy Rivers

    Nov 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Newberg, Oregon
    Most of the pellets we see here are Doug fir.
    The Shells make a fair amount of ash.

    I am not really concerned with using shells in this stove...Just want to cover my butt with a good heat source during power outages that requires zero extra equipment and things that take maintenance.

    Having a modest store of pellets is fine.

    This recent storm caused a couple day power having a huge store of pellets is not really necessary. Half ton ????

    If we were to have a solar flare knock out the grid.....the issues are going to be far reaching....much worse than an ice storm ever could be.....

    We spent yesterday cleaning up the family room (We had a twin sink bathroom vanity stored in the back waiting to go in the master bath.....moved it to the spare room "Chit hole" and got things looking less cluttered.

    The need to start mocking up for the wiseway installation .

    The plan is to set the Wiseway just about where the front of the brown recliner chair is sitting.

    45 degree angle the vent towards the LH corner and out the wall a similar dimension to the extra pipe on the RH side where the big Whitfield is sitting.

    The Chupi Cat has her high beams on ......

    The Top curtain valance will be well outside the distance to combustibles, as will the Curtain on the slider door on the far left side.

    We still have two cabinets for the bathroom mods that need to hide someplace.....

    Basically the Wiseway will be sitting in front of the LH window panel.....

    The next phase is to get up close and and personal to a Wiseway and get a tape measure on that bad boy so pipe lengths and other dims can be worked out, pipe angles can be figured out.

    The pipe will need to go 45 degrees up to the wall thimble then out and up to the terminus above the roof line.

    I do not want any guess work...

    Going to have to build a floor pad/hearth.

    Nothing fancy....Just the required 3/8" non combustible area 31" x 48" as per the install manual.

    Probably go with a wood frame (2x2 or???) and a layer of OSB followed by ceramic floor tile...

    I do not want to make this as permanent as the raised hearth under the big Whitfield.

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    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    IHATEPROPANE, bogieb, ivanhoe and 2 others like this.
  8. bogieb


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampshire
    Tax refund hit my bank. Just a little something to put aside for replacing the tent garage that collapsed earlier this winter.
  9. imacman


    Oct 23, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Denver, NC
    Me too. 7 business days from the time they accepted it.
  10. imacman


    Oct 23, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Denver, NC
    Me too.....just got 1st shot yesterday. Drive-up site, waited about 5 minutes to get shot, then the required 15 min. after.
  11. Pete Zahria

    Pete Zahria

    Aug 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampster
    That was quick!
    Maybe mine is in there, I think we sent them out at the same time..

  12. Pete Zahria

    Pete Zahria

    Aug 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampster
    Was today, here. #2; 3/23
    Waited about 15, then the cool down lap, another 15.
    Compared to horror stories we hear, or see on the tube..
    that's a piece of cake..

  13. bogieb


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampshire
    We did send them in at the same time and we had to wait for them to be submitted since they moved the start date. I believe yours was accepted the day before mine was.
    savemoney, IHATEPROPANE and imacman like this.
  14. Snowy Rivers

    Snowy Rivers

    Nov 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Newberg, Oregon
    Spent yesterday doing more MUCH NEEDED cleaning, measuring and room rearranging so we can get started on installing the Wiseway pellet stove.

    Spent some time outside checking the location where the vent will pass through the wall.
    Between the fake shutters, gutters and downspouts there is just enough room to penetrate the wall between two studs and make it all work........

    Wanted to be really sure things were gonna be viable before going any farther.

    Looks good.
    Took some tape and marked off the floor approximately where the stove pad will sit.
    The final location may vary slightly.

    Need to come off the stove with a 45...then angle up about 4 feet then out the wall and then up about another 8 feet up the outside and terminate above the roof peak.

    A real pain in the butt.....
    I avoided this location before because of the proximity of the drapes and such.....

    Moving the stove out in front of the bay windows solves the issue....but requires the first pipe section to be run at a 45 degree angle.

    The operation of the stove itself runs at several 45 degree angles and switchbacks....

    Should be fine....4" vent is recommended for the odd they the added bends, taller the 12' vent height......

    Ahh will be fine.

    After reading the manual several times..I found conflicting data...

    Stove install manual says one thing and pipe maker says another.

    Will sort this out as we go along..

    Room is all rearranged now and locations an such look pretty good.

    Some pics after rearranging stuff......
    This room is 18' wide and 25' long.....lottsa area to play with.

    Blue masking tape is the footprint for the stove floor pad.
    The size is odd....Gonna have to make the pad....
    No biggy......
    I think we have enough tile left from the install on the big Whitfield to gitterdone.
    If not we will hit a couple of the restore places and likely find some that will be acceptable.

    We wanted to get to a dealer locally that had one of these stoves on the showroom that we could get up close "Touchy Feely" none within 300 miles.....

    Just gonna order the stove from the Home Depot and pick it up at the store 5 miles from home.
    Unless a screaming deal pops up elsewhere.....

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  15. SmokeyTheBear


    Oct 7, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Standish, ME
    Snowy that is a natural draft stove not fan induced most pellet stoves are not natural draft units. I would expect the vent section to conflict with the run of the mill pipe makers instructions.
  16. Snowy Rivers

    Snowy Rivers

    Nov 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Newberg, Oregon
    Yes...Natural draft.
    Book says either 3" or 4" pellet vent (Lvent pellet pipe)
    I called the factory and varified things too....just to be dammed sure
    Over 12' tall use 4" pipe
    If any bends are needed use 4" pipe.

    We went to home depot today to get a couple things..
    I wanted a refill jug of Fantastik cleaner (Works sweet on the stove glass)
    Decided to see about 1/2 sheet of 3/4" plywood for the stove pad base.
    They had some fir plywood 1/2 sheets and they cut the other length to 40" for me.

    So while we were there we decided to take a peek at tile too.

    I had not planned on buying tile today....butttttttttttttt..they had several boxes on closeout prices.

    The had some wood grain looking stuff...3/8" thick 7-1/8" x 19-5/8"

    Perfect size....
    Best part was the price....11 piece cartons at $5.60 per carton.
    We grabbed 3 be sure in case of a FUBAR.

    Ordered the steel angle to fab the frame.
    Have that tomorrow.
    Be a breeze to whip this bad boy together.

    Once we get the floor pad done then will come the stove....
    Get the stove here then measure for the pipe.

    The price and the somewhat close match to the floor vinyl made the choice easy...

    The other close out colors were down right hideous....and so off we go....on another rodeo..

    I am excited about finally having a non electric option....

    Pics of the tile, the carton and the plywood base.

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    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
  17. bogieb


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampshire
    That tile does closely match the existing floor :yes:
  18. Russell


    Sep 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    South Coast , Massachusetts
    I was under the impression that it had to be vented straight up ?
    savemoney, IHATEPROPANE and imacman like this.
  19. Harman Lover 007

    Harman Lover 007

    Feb 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Eastern Mass
    FUBAR.....I haven’t used that acronym in 40 years! Used to be a regular thing in my vocabulary.....
    Russell, savemoney, will711 and 3 others like this.
  20. Snowy Rivers

    Snowy Rivers

    Nov 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Newberg, Oregon
    Thanks B
    It is close....but my camera lies some too :rofl: :lol:
    It is a slightly different shade.....less gloss to the finish than the vinyl flooring too.

    But compared to the other stuff they had it was a "good to go choice"
    I wanted a match..or close to what we put under the Big Whitfield that is close by.

    I actually picked out an 8" square that was white with a random black swirly pattern.
    The price would have been a lot more.

    The sales assistant mentioned...."HEY we have some clearance items over here"
    After looking at the picture of the floor and having a pow wow.... the brown tiles got the green light.:yes:
    I was sold on the price....for sure :thumbs:

    This morning we will go get the steel for the pad frame.
    The weather is looking good for the weekend.....I can weld up the frame and get the plywood piece fastened in.

    We still have not decided on a grout color yet to use between the tiles..
    Just have to see what looks decent......

    All three stoves here have different pad colors.

    This picture shows the difference in color better.
    I am not sure if I want to use the brown tile.

    The floor is more red, and the tile is more of a soft brown.
    A light gray or off white would be better.
    Even a cream color like whats on the raised hearth of the big Whitfield would be great.

    It's appropriate ... :rofl: :lol:

    Ideally yes...Straight up is the ideal chimney setup....
    I checked with the Mfg....
    The fire channels run on angles....the pipe can run at an angle, then through the wall and up.
    From the burn basket the fire tubes make 4 angled runs and 3 switchbacks before leaving the stove.

    The rise will be sufficient to get a good draft as it will have about 15' total rise.
    The Mfg does not recommend over 12' ...but with the odd layout I need the extra height will basically overcome the added bends.
    The taller the pipe the more draft and the hotter the stove will burn
    The factory says 650 F at the top of the stove near the outlet is the ideal temp.
    Added height can run the temps much hotter.

    With a bit of luck...we can get this bad boy in the sweet spot.

    Biggy is...I am not chopping a hole in my new roof.

    The 4" vent will be needed to get a good draft.........

    We could eliminate the 45 degree angled pipe.....but this places the stove far closer to the drapes by the slider.
    That close proximity of the drapes with that location makes me very nervous.

    IF nobody moves anything the drapes would be outside the zone of combustibles...but the drapes could be easily moved by a playful cat and possibly come into contact...

    Too risky to install that close......

    Never a perfect install.
    Every stove here had to be dealt within a compromise install.
    None are bad....just not what we had originally wanted......
    Ah well......things will be fine.

    Here is a piccy of a Wiseway install that is not a straight up...
    Looks like it might go into an existing other info was given.

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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021