I hope your snow melts soon Brad. Anxiously awaiting some 500i action bl scrounge threads. Almost had a bolo issued.
I checked out cutting the big pin oak log and honestly could do it now. Being the 500i with 36" bar being used i may wait until it melts. 40's today and tomorrow with sun so the day is fast approaching.
No, you? I imagine some would be dry enough to burn. Heard of a lot of people burning dead wood right after cutting it. Imagine you’d just want to confirm the moisture content before selling or burning
Standing dead does not mean dry. I have cut standing dead and it was soaking wet. Other times it is bone dry. Not sure why it changes.
I scored some dead ash back in November. MM over 20%. CSS right away. Single stack in a breezy area. Checked last month and several under 20% internal MC. Listed and it sold next day. Not that often you see a cord, half cord of the same species for sale. Most of the time i cut dead either standing or old blowover its not ready yet. The downed BL i cut back in early January was under 20% and its sold. Just waiting for the word to deliver.
Split over a cord of locust today and feel it. Popped an ibuprofen tonight after supper. Noodled some oak and split some hickory too. BL split pile growing More barkless splits Pile of bark. Ill use to fill in a hole nearby. Whats left to split. I should finish those tomorrow.
Oh yes. Right near where ill be stacking. If you look at the last pic you can see it in the back directly behind the bark pile.
Is that the same pile you were working on yesterday? Always nice to see your pile of rounds shrinking and split pile growing Nice work brad!
Yup, same pile. With the snow this month ive gotten out of shape. After todays 5 hours i feel it tonight. I cant imagine what goes through your mind when you start splitting your hoard of rounds.
I’m scared brad! I’m truly scared! I need to update some pics of the hoard so you can truly feel the pain! Figure if it stays warm like it says it’s gonna, I may just start splitting if I can’t haul. Would be nice to see some progress in the splitting and stacking.
I think he had an excavator dig it to bury stumps which never happened. I wouldnt burn the BL bark anyhow. Threw a piece in my firepit last year and PU did it reek!
Um, yeah! You could say that! Last year I had a pile of rounds that was approx 17 cord if I remember correctly. This year... Pile #1 And pile #2 Got my work cut out for me!
Finished splitting the BL rounds. Ran a tank through the 460 and did some noodling. Beat the heck out of the chain. Still several logs to noodle. Pics of the PA in back where ive been working. Mud season has begun. Dont know when ill be able to drive back here again. PITA trying to coordinate scrounges!
buZZsaw BRAD not to hijack the thread, but with the snow melting off the splits that need stacked, do you wait until they're dry, or start stacking once the snow clears?
Either or. I prefer dry. I have room to stack oak and will do soon...next week. I have to make rack/set up pallets for locust, hickory and nuggets.
This is a great thread. No better time to be out processing. No bugs and no sweat. I’ve spent the past month ripping on my new log pile. A little modification to the wheelbarrow and business as usual.