-9F/65F @ 4 AM when I got rolling. I cranked the stove for a bit and reloaded from my basement Elm stash. Putting together a beef stew for the crock pot this AM. Always good! Enjoy your Saturday everyone.
-6 this morning with snow coming on Sunday followed by a warm up. Getting to March makes me feel better. I know we can get lots of snow but at least we are on the path to spring and warmer temps.
I think it was 18f this morning. Much better than -2f. Have a mix of locust,oak, and hickory to warm the house this morning. First morning load is just red coals now so I just added a gallon of Tennessee coal across the wood coals. Running low on firewood and I have 30 gallons of TN coal to supplement while I'm at home to babysit the furnace. It's rated for wood and coal. Not the best coal to burn but it was free.
Just loaded some ash, sugar maple and white oak, 24 and calling for 5 overnight. 72 inside. Having coffee and heading for a church meeting soon.
Deja Vu tonight, a repeat of last night’s mid 20s with some red oak chunks pulling the overnight shift. I’m really beginning to appreciate the large square noodled pieces from a Northern Red Oak tree. They just throw out heat for hours on end, leaving good coals to wake up to and minimal ash buildup. For all I might complain about oak drying time, when it’s finally time to burn it, it delivers.
Here's a 4 hr. long play virtual wood stove video for those that don't have a stove...wish they had a second one at the office. Can you spot the mouse scurrying by? Red oak, mulberry and elm inside.
1F Got some ironwood and sugar maple in. Having to use some silver maple that I was intending for next season. Have to admit this season I had way to many fires out of a want not a need.
10 right now, just loaded some ash and locust. Warm up coming but they are calling for rain tomorrow, sloppy mess.....
23 this morning, but it's supposed to get to 40 with full sunshine by 3pm... then more snow tonight. I had to restart the fire this morning, so for the first time in a week or so I scooped out all the ashes and started a new fire with cedar kindling topped with white oak. The house is still only 55 degrees indoors but I guess I'm used to that... With the ground being frozen, and no rain for the past three days, it's going to be easy to go into the forest and scrounge a few more trees before things get muddy.
It is still 14 here this morning And calling for a high of 30.. above 0! They are saying 1 to 3 inch's of snow. Oak in the boiler.
7F here this morning, going up to 30. Sun now, but clouds & snow later tonight they say. Elm & Oak in the boiler.
8* this morning warming into the mid 30's today OWB loaded with Red and Silver Maple 70* in the house. Warm up expected this week.