I am ready for warmer weather, say 30-40 degrees. But I am not ready for winter to be over. I can't take the heat like I used to.
Actually "the friend" is me. My wife and I want a male. Need to try and lessen the void that we have in our hearts from our dear boy leaving us too soon last august. Would like a lab or golden, I like all bird dogs. But I would do a road trip for a pup.
You and me both ! I could also deal with october weather all year the cold does not bother me to much but the slop of freeze thaw mud then frozen ruts to trip over I can do without but I way like the cold than the heat and humidity and mosquitos they attack me like I am a all you can eat buffet for them
I will do a another check to see how many males I have, but I am afraid most are females. Of course we don't know for sure how many will live but she had ten and has only lost one so far, and they are 15-16 days old, now. The one that died was a male and I hated that, since I didn't have many males anyway.
Not sure exactly how much we got overnight with all the drifting but quite a bit. Supposed to be into the 30s next week so we may be seeing some of it melting. I did the light work of the sidewalks and the approach awesome neighbor doing the heavy work of the drive and easement!
Two ice storms in less than a week, power's been out sine Sat am...I am ready for a break. Still not done w the second storm yet, trees are.covered with ice and supposed to be some wind coming. We are past the extreme saturation point, water standing in every cow hoofprint. Sinking to ankles in the yard. As soon as it gets starts to dry we'll be fighting fire at work, no middle ground for a while.
Our winter is usually just a cold mud season, but it’s ridiculous right now. I have foot deep ruts on both sides of my front walk from moving wood to the house. First winter I’ve had to use 4 wheel drive to get back out.
Yeah, we've been wet, but this is wwwaaaayyyy beyond wet. If we didn't have the 4wd tractor w FIL we wouldnt be able to feed cows. Lots of wood on the ground from the 1st storm. Cleanup is going to be weeks, especially fences. Hope you get through without any more damage.
I have always loved winter I love layering up to face the cold I was cutting wood last week until the snow got to deep to get into the field. That being said in another month I will be ready for the thaw to start and turkey season and taking the kids fishing. My least favorite is summer I dislike bugs.
I'm ready for winter to be over. In my area of OR winter is lots of rain and not much in the way of snow. The ground gets sloppy 'n' slippery so running the saws isn't as much fun.
I didn’t know so many have an aversion to bugs. Mosquitoes don’t come after me. There’s an occasional gnat attack to deal with. I do dislike yellow jacket season. Those nasty f’ers can be like land mines when you are doing tree work.
Every season has something to dislike. Cold and snow in Winter. Muddy, wet ground in Spring. Heat, bugs, brush and humidity in Summer. Leaves and wind in Fall. The Fall is the best season to get outdoor work done imho. Always liked Fall the best.