Blazer pellets are made less than 150 miles away from me. Fun fact. When I first started burning pellets, we used to burn Golden Fire Pellets and they were $3.00 a bag. That was over 20 years ago.
I bought 10 bags of Blazers off CL for $45 last fall. They are at the bottom of a ton of Lauzon's that I'm not likely to get thru this year.
Have at least 10 bags of those at base of my stash. I need yo start watching those craigslist and FBI markets for people getting out of pellet burning.
Alright, so I got thru the bags of Blazers I had and I gotta say I was less than impressed. The size of the pellets were anywhere from 1/4" to over 1.5" long. The heat put out of the air vents was about 250* (heck, I almost get that from middling pellets) and the ash was hard, grainy/gritty and abundant When I cleared the ash from the firepot, it felt like sand was in there, Should have taken a pic of the high build of ash at the firepot lip so you could see it. And, I had to clean out the igniter chamber after running 5 bags through, which I have never experienced on the P43 before. I will say there was very little dust though. It wasn't the stove, I ran Fusion HW's thru next, before cleaning the stove, and got very little ash that was fine. Maybe it was just a bad batch, but I'm glad I got these off a CL find and didn't pay premium $$ for them.