It depends on where you are located. Most places now require you to get a burning permit. Fortunately, being ag here I don't have to get one. You may luck out too. I just light a fire using papers or even a fire starter. I used to us gas or oil but have not done that for years.
I might have been known to start a bonfire or twoUsually 25 foot circle 12 feet tall. Got burn bucket of private mail put at base with wind blowing into fire. Maybe a quart or two of used motor oil..
I have the BIG torch and 15 lb. LP tank. I'll get a leaf blower. Going to need one up there anyway. We are no newbies to bonfires......just big burn piles. We have a big pile-o-pallet bonfire at my bro's house up there every 4th of July.
We went up to our land in VT last week. Tried to burn a big old pile of stumps and roots. We went at it with a leaf blower, a big lp tank torch, and 2 gallons of diesel. Didn't even try to start. We settled for burning all the brush piles we made last summer.
I have used dry lumber scraps to start and then add brush to it. I have a lot of rotten trees that I have made into a pile. I'm sure the wildlife will benefit from it. I hope to see some rain soon so I can get some piles taken care of. They sure do add up quick.