Really starting to dig hoarding shoulder wood also! Makes keeping the volume up so much easier. Tree kid I do occasional saw work for asked me Sunday if I wanted any pine. This afternoon he unloaded these hogs. Big one in the middle is about 24”. Planning to be spring of 22 shoulder season Should be fun cutting.
Not sure yet. I have another load coming tomorrow that I want to see. I’m thinking about dressing the 181SE
Yes! Why burn "the good stuff" when you really don't need to be?! Kinda like commuting in a Ford Shelby Gt500! So far this year I have been burning mostly Box Elder and half punky Red Oak...its supposed to get down in the teens here tonight so I grabbed a couple Honey Locust splits to add to the overnight load of BE and RO, just to keep things going longer in the wee hours of the morning...
Got another drop off today of some more. Hard to say how much is there but some of this is big too. The big one on the upper right is about 2’ by 12’ long, for scale.
Nice pile of wood. My Daddy taught me young that free is the best price. I'm going to be clearing our building site next summer. It's mostly deer lot spruce thicket. Sadly, the trees of significance are poplar, birch and white pine. Ah well, it will all burn when it's good and dry. Is that sweet corn or cow corn?
I'd say about 20% birch and it's grey birch......maybe 6 or 7 inches round. There are three good sized white pines.....about 24" round. The poplars are big too......20" or so. Not looking forward to the 12-24" of snow coming here tonight thru Tues.
Nice score, I'd take all of that I could get. Ported 044 24" bar with the semi chisel "deck" chain with lowered rakers & altered angles would be my saw. Rip & tear through that pile in no time.