Nice work getting that tree down and into the woodpile. Elm is one of the woods I don't have in the stacks yet.
Is that the normal MO for trees you harvest there. Having to clean up the mess. Is the brush burned or left to rot?
Standing dead elm fan here especially red. Surrendered to Buzzsaw a long time ago. This man knows his limitations. Nice work Sandbilly.
Nice job Sandhillbilly ... first thing I thought of was the potential widowmaker top section. We have a lot of standing dead here, mostly ash. Glad you got it down no prob... ...
I usually do a lot more clean up. But this property is an overgrown mess with tall grass rotting down limbs and stumps. When I go back for the next 2 I’ll bunch up the bigger brush and sheets of bark.
Thats a pain having to clean up but from what ive seen its your normal routine at a score. Not much in the way of woods out there. Usually the only clean up i get is in a paying job for tree or brush removal. Nice when you can dispose of on site. When are you going back for the other two trees? You said they are good sized? Any idea of the DBH?
I would like to get back there this week, but don’t know if that will happen. You can see the next victim in the first picture. It’s closer to the camera off to the right, missing big sections of bark. DBH is in the high 30s or better but right about there it splits into two big leaders. Probably drop the arms one at a time then tackle the trunk. I’ll have to let a fence down so I don’t wreck it and hope I miss the post
When you fell a tree you really get some big ones but that seems to be the norm around there. Surprised you cut with ice and snow but you got it done. Snow here tomorrow into Tuesday. Several inches forecast. Guess i go into hibernation again. The storm back in December killed me. I love firewood making in the cold. Hoard on and work safe my friend.
News flash !!! BRAD is not feeling well...... Snowing here now and predicted all day ; So he will not be able to cut today. It's gotta be killing him. Betch-ya he is climbing the walls by noon-time. Hang in there BRAD we are all thinking of you.