Awesome , Thanks for that information , exactly what I am looking for. A little rust color would be perfect. I don't want it too rusty looking but definitely want the aged look. I did make the wooden handles today out of a couple old beat up legs from a stool and they came out great. They look old and weathered. Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it!! The wife loves it. I was going to hang it in our spare room but now she wants to hang it up in the kitchen/dining room area instead. Works for me. When I get it finished I will give you an update.
A WELCOME sign with saw teeth Once you enter, you will never leave! Just kidding of course, looks great
Finished this today. Used gun blueing to blacken it,Glued on the handles with a little epoxy and used some brass pins to sort of give it a riveted look holding the handles on that were made from a couple legs from an old stool. Sprayed a couple coats of satin clear on it. Hopefully can get it hung before the wife gets home tonight. Curious how long before she notices it up on the wall. I'm pretty happy with the end result.
Not sure why no images. Maybe this time ? And no the fish tank is not ready to tip over , not sure why it looks so cock-eyed. Added one more of it on the wall.
Thanks very much. You know that without your help this would have not been hanging on the wall. First time I have ever blued anything so kind of a learning curve , amazing how you put that stuff on and a second later it's black. The handles I just got lucky on. The end of the legs just happened to be at a perfect angle from the wear over the years to fit the contour of the angle of the blade. A quick trip to the belt sander then sliced up the middle on the bandsaw and transferred the holes with a few pieces of brass round stock to make the pins. One of those things that just fell into place and worked out. I had a a lot of fun doing this and learned a lot. Best part is the wife absolutely loves it. Thanks so much for your help with this.