Having snowed a bit here yesterday (less than 2") i couldnt hit the score today as it was too hazardous working on a snow covered hill so i opted to do some splitting to catch up a bit and enjoy the scenic snow. Poplar with dead BL in front. Poplar splits to left, dead BL splits to the right. Birch with cherry in back. Dead BL to the left. Sugar maple splits on the right. Poplar Cherry Birch mixed with sugar maple from prior work. Birch split shows the drying in from the end grain. The last poplar split had frozen ants. Im working and a very noisy wren foraging on the BL rounds 30' away. Wondering if it found any ants? Fuzzy pic from zooming in. Split some BL too. This round popped into three from one swing. Frozen BL splits so easily. Split well over a half cord including some shorties. A boatload of BL rounds waiting yet.
Carolina Wrens do love wood piles. They seem to get excited when I make a new pile of splits, probably because it unlocks piles of ants and wood borers. Nice work in the snow. We may see some flakes tomorrow morning. I need it to dry out, so I bring some logs home.
I enjoy splitting in the snow, especially at dusk and if a full moon is out, it's pretty hard to beat IMO. Good work Brad. But that's nothing new.
Poplar to the left of me, locust to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with elm! Sounds like what the axe said.
Good job. Brad. Doing most anything outside has been enjoyable for me lately. Rounds will, definitely be frozen this weekend. Wind chills forecasted for minus teens. Too cold for me to make fire wood. But I'll be burning it!
I like how you separate your splits by wood type! I do that too. I'm glad you have enough to keep you busy for awhile.
Brad your amazing when it comes to wood. That’s not really snow. Hell you don’t even need boots much less a trail or $now$hoes
MikeInMa 12-16” of snow every where; deeper in drifts. Avatar has been used 4 or 5 times. Have to have 3+ inches to get tractor out
Don't you ever stop ? I get tired of just reading your posts on all you do let alone do any actual splitting. What can I say beside dedicated and amazing ! Nice job !!
Only a couple cords of rounds. Need to cut a PU full today. The birch was cut last Winter so partly dry. It went with some sugar maple of the same so that will go first in a year. I may have a customer for the cherry (smoker). Locust green and dead get separated too. There was a mound not pictured that had green sugar maple, black birch mix. The cherry could go in this mix. With limited storage and needing access with truck im trying to plan carefully. If it works out is another story.
After we got the 9" the other day, we have 12" pretty much everywhere. Some spots a little less, sine way more with the drifting that happened with the crazy winds that occurred with that storm. I love making fire wood when there's like 2-4" of snow, it doesn't get in the way or hamper any activity. But when there's 6+" on the ground, it definitely makes it more difficult. When you get to that 1 foot of snow mark, it makes things really difficult. At that point you can't really do much felling, it's all pile work at that point.
When we had the storm before Christmas and ended up with a foot of snow i was liked a caged animal. Couldnt work or make firewood. Once it melted i think ive made up for it though.