No. My son is not set up to sell that much wood to one customer. If he did, he would have been sold out a long time ago and would have made a lot less money. Small amounts is his niche
You make some good points but I will say that if I was hard up for money and it’s cold out, I would buy the cheapest electric heater and park my butt right in front of it instead of buying a small amount of firewood to burn in a fireplace.
Exactly. It doesn't sound to me like Mr. Beamer was looking to stay warm so much as he was looking for an ambience fire. If he was that hard up, he would've found some shred of resourcefulness within himself and gathered a pile of dead stuff on his own for nothing.
I always had a few when I was running my farm market that wanted to "haggle. I told them i was not the yard sale or the flea market. There were some that came in looking like they didn't have 2 nickels to rub together and their car wouldn't get them home and the kids were in rags. They always went out with more than they paid for. I haven't had anyone "haggle" me for firewood. Prolly tomorrow.
Not stating right or wrong, but I have learned with age that you can never make an assumption about someone else and their situation. I know people who have borrowed to the hilt and can barely get by but look like they are living the life. Others that look that money is tight are just tight with their money but support many good causes.
I hate cheap A$$holes with money who do that. Take your BMer and stick it where the sun dont shine. Good for you Joe for sticking up for Robbie and sending that guy on his way. I know you dont take any BS!
Like father like son! You must be proud! Only someone who’s never swung a splitting maul or wielded a chainsaw tries to barter for firewood, and only a thief tries to cut a child out of his profits.
I’d have done the same thing buddy! Shows you’re a good dad! Like DaveGunter said, I stop and buy lemonade and pay twice as much as they’re asking even when I’m not thirsty! If I see my kid or any kid working hard, I want to do everything I can to encourage that, not discourage it. Meanwhile most kids your sons age don’t even want to come out of the house. Maybe they were giving discounts to the dude in the beemer and got fed up and gave up!
jrider i don’t need a lot of explanation I have been reading your posts for years!! If your annoyed; I believe it’s justified...
I doubt the sign said OBO, right? And yet everyone wants to dicker! I deal with the same stuff each year. They call and say, you got any wiggle room on the price? Whatever, I can tolerate and even expect some of that each year. I had a guy call this fall and wanted 2 cord delivered. Gave him the price, to which he replied, “ that’s a little steep”. To which I politely responded, “well that’s where I gotta be”. Ended up still wanting the firewood and after delivery, wanted to know if I would be selling next year. Carried on the entire time I unloaded about how much better deal his other firewood guy (Whose trailer was broken down) gives him. Wishing at that point I had a dump trailer. Would have turned it into a five minute interaction! I sell firewood at a fair price for where I am. Everyone loves it. No one complains! Sure you don’t have to agree if someone is dickering, but, at least with firewood, For me, it sours the exchange Somewhat.
I agree. I have implied he’s making that kind of money out of pride in what he’s accomplishing with his business but implying and coming right out and saying it are different in my eyes. But as you and I have both said already is the guy doesn’t know that nor should it make a difference