Maple rounds for the overnight burn. Forecasted rain overnight. Near cold enough to be snow. We’ll find out in a few hours
You guys were getting more snow recently than we were. Send winter up here where it's supposed to be. 70 degrees and putting a log on the fire? This thread is another example of how everything is relative. I spent many years down south while on active duty so I can relate, however since being back home and reverting to my cold-natured self, I'm ready to turn the A/C on at 65 degrees. 60 in the house is t-shirt weather and comfortable for me. Although I heat 95% with firewood, I do keep my propane backup thermostats set at 48 degrees. Dropped down to 21 last night but already at 31 now. A nice comfortable 58 degrees downstairs so only white birch and ash in the stove this morning. Supposed to get freezing rain and sleet this afternoon through tomorrow.
30 here this morning. Pine in the Wood Gun. Looks like it will start getting a little colder this week.
22 here and no snow! It sure has been nice and mild but the best part is not having to deal with any snowfall everyday.
31* out 70* in....fall is coming back today with a forecasted high of 55* Winter shows up next week it looks like. We will see. Small fire this morning just to keep coals for later. Red maple
50 and damp. Cherry in stove. Calling for the upcoming week to be cold with potential of snow on wed. Bring it. Im ready
Getting a bit chilly here. Going to be burning a lot of maple and ash for the cold nights this coming week!
33f/1c at the moment. Silver birch and yew in the stove. It’s supposed to be getting up to 53f tomorrow.
All day freezing drizzle has turned into snow now. Roads are getting a bit more cautious to drive on.
34 here, and foggy. Red Maple for a short while as temps are supposed to get into the mid 50's. Swimming weather. The cold will return in a day or so and hang with us.
I must have been out in the only short amount of time that the weather produced some snow. There is hardly anything out there this morning..... and thats fine with me! 21 now.
-19* and spruce keeping the house at 72*. I love being able to cut and burn, see the pile decrease or increase. It would stink not being able to enjoy the fruit of our labor. I enjoy the circle of firewood. Kids and I were laughing the other day while C/S/S and how many times firewood warms us.
12.9°F but looking at a high of around 50°F with clear skies and some wind from the north/northeast at 5 to 10mph. White oak in the stove. Have a great Sunday people!
21 out 67 in. Ash. We received a few inches of snow yesterday while I was at work. I didn't shovel when I got home. Now it's a frozen mess. No biggie we all have 4x4. I'll work at it later when it warms up. Time to teach my 16 year old daughter how to drive on black ice.
Got between 3"-4" of snow yesterday. Gave me a chance to try out the "new to me" Ariens 2 cycle 5 hp blower on 7 or so driveways. Struggled a little due to it being wet and heavy, but never slowed down or missed a beat. Mid-30's in the afternoon and low 30's coming today (19f now).
37* out 65* in...I let the fire go out overnight cause it was 75* inside and upper 40s outside at midnight. Its supposed to be user 40s for a high today and get colder as the week goes on. Red maple fired up in the nc30 and bringing the house temp back up this morning.
36 here. Looks like 30’s for the whole day. Threw in some 1.5 - 3 inch rounds to get the house warmed up. Had just two tiny embers after knocking the ash down to get it going!