Even though I do not know you Walt, am glad to read your rendition of the situation and not to have to read it written by Mrs. Walt due to the worst case scenario. Heal well, listen to doctors and don't push it early. Just last year started wearing a helmet with ear muffs. Felt so conspicuous, like I thought I was a timber man or something. Have worn it enough it is habit.
walt , So sorry this happened. Our prayers are with you, Robin, and the whole family. PM me if there is anything you need assistance with over there (Fast Eddie's delivery maybe). I just dropped that big Maple next to our house last Saturday and limbs from above were my biggest concern. PPE is a MUST... I'm so glad you had a helmet on. Sorry I'm so late to see this. Again, our prayers to you and yours. Monte and Jenny
How you doing Walt ? We also have Snorkel Hot Tubs. It looks like awhile before you're able to enjoy it unfortunately. The Snorkel stove makes full use of all the softwood trail blowdowns we get here. The tub uses a couple of cords each year usually only in winter. I have not figured out the best way to prevent tub freezing when the temps get below the teens. Any ideas ? Be sure you have a drink shelf attached =mandatory. Best recovery.
Walt, I don't know you, as I am fairly new on the board, but I wish you a speedy recovery. It sounds like you were pretty fortunate in many ways, a 10 inch limb is definitely big enough to be deadly. It's good that you were not alone when it happened. I have lost 4 friends in the last 30 years, 3 of them to tree falling accidents, one was a barber chair for sure, but one was a widow maker limb in a tree that fell on a man that was shoeing a horse and just using the tree for shade. I don't think he even had the horse tied to the tree, which would have made more sense, if he had, and the horse pulled back or something, as they will do sometimes, and shook the tree or something, but it is my understanding that this is not what happened. Truly a mystery. At any rate, glad you survived, and I hope you don't suffer any lasting complications from your injuries.
That story makes that branch i cut off that evergreen bush with my Sun Joe Pole Chainsaw, and had it fall on top of me and knock me to the ground, seem mighty small compared to what that limb did to you. Sorry it happened to you.
Sorry to read this, but glad you made it through. Forty years ago today I was mending in the hospital from a kick-back that broke my pelvis in 4 places. Things happen fast.
You are a genuine wise ...... But ask Walt. This can be a serious problem in cold places Eric that are not sweatpots like Virginia . If the +/- 600 gallon tub freezes, it will ( not could ) blow out the tub walls. Then where would we be without our nightly tubbing and drink ? Looks like only Walt and I are the only lucky ones.
No chance for any power. For aesthetics, the tub is 30 meters from the house. If we wanted to use fossils more than we do, we'd get a electric or gas hot tub, and not heat with wood. The Snorkel Tub is Mr. Greensleeves: only renewable, sustainable, clean fuel for this baby. Ever had a hot tub ? It's romance. At night under stars, with snow, temps preferably in the teens, wool hats, and good single malt are only for the right people like when Walt recovers and snow returns ( this weekend BTW). You are missing in action. Get better Walt, look what you've started.
Careful Eric VW .....I think Dumf is inviting you up for a rendezvous in his hot tub!! Next thing you know, he'll (?) be posting pics of a red dress woman????