What's your favorite morning drink? Brand, flavor??? I really like Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee when I have time to brew and enjoy a pot of it.
We usually do the Folgers Colombian. The shelves were coronaed out last week so had to get the store brand.
Coffee. At least 1/2 caf here or the blood pressure gets even higher! Mix it with some coconut creamer and I'm good. About a pot a day.
Zero carbs in diet. 46 carbs in regular dew. When I was on full keto, 50 was my maximum for the entire day. Tough way to start out if you use most of your allotment first thing in the AM. I like the flavor of regular better, but even now that I watch carbs a lot less, it still makes it easier to keep weight off with the simple change.
Ethiopian coffee from Morningstar in Seattle. My sister brings either beans or ground to us every 3 weeks or so. 2 cups in the morning...no more!
Even though we have a Tim Hortons on every other corner in Canada, I prefer McDonalds coffee over Tim's while travelling. If it has to be Tim's, it's the dark roast. Either way it's a large with 2 milk. At home it's usually Folgers (Costco big cans) and a little flavored cream during the week or Bailey's on the weekend.
A couple of cups of coffee without anything in it, a nice glass of orange juice and then three or four good size glasses of ice cold water before I head outside for work and then I take another three glass containers full of water for the day.