Sure can’t wait to get back out and get this sucker cut up. Another free red oak! But sadly it’s gonna have to wait for about 12 more days... we are starting day 3 of our 14 day quarantine. My wife and I both tested positive for covid on Monday. These pics were taken Saturday when I started working on the beast. Noticed quickly something just wasn’t right so I called it a day after about an hour. Well things just went south really fast Sunday so decided to be tested Monday and bingo. This crap SUCKS!!!
Some good wood there. Sorry to hear of your covid. Take care and you'll be back to your old hoarding self in no time. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lot of wood there. Better go throw a chain around it if it’s gonna be another couple weeks before you get to it In the mean time rest up and stay healthy!
Take covid seriously. Four of my high school friends are DEAD from it over the past 30 days and this is a very small town.
I wonder if my saws miss me as much as I miss them?? Went out and worked on a Poulan yesterday in the garage a buddy dropped off a few weeks ago. Made me feel better but 10 minutes in the shop was way to much at one time. Back to the recliner with the lap dog.
I spent opening weekend of the Wi deer season opener with my bother. We did get a couple deer but on Tuesday he calls and said he had Covid. My positive test came back Saturday and the wife will get tested soon. Covid so far has not stopped me but is has really slowed me down. I went out to the woods Thursday to bring the wood splitter home. I did a bit of hunting before I left for home and jump a couple bedded does and they were just a bit faster than I was this time, must be Covid??