Yeah a tarp, but my car is usually a mess anyway. Since my mom died, no reason to keep it immaculate.
I got a call from my friend this AM, another dead oak fell behind her house from the wind. It fell onto her property, but it was the neighbors tree. I caught the neighbor on her way out, asked her if she wanted to keep the wood, and she was unaware that it had fallen. " The fewer trees the better", so I took it all. The bark is coming off easily, the way I like it. My driveway is full again!
At least no ants this time. There are multiple oaks with rotten bases over there, so almost every time there's wind, I get the call. Nobody wants to pay to have them taken down, so it's oak roulette, where they fall and on what.
Some red oak - Northwest Ct - split like a dream.... the car is a 2009 Subaru Forester - carried a lot of wood in her before she saw her last day.
Big rounds, I couldn't have lifted them. I had a 2001 Forester, gave it to a friend and it's still running. Had to deal with the head gasket though.
Just catching upon this thread. Nice when you can cut it to your length. Im really going to start shying away from taking rounds not cut to my specs. My recent silver maple score made me rethink it.
Never got a truck...I'm a few years ahead and have made friends with a tree service who drop rounds at my house when in are. I got a bit lucky on Isaisis... there is wood close enough to use a wheelbarrow to get. My tree guy also dropped off a load of black locust. So in August I added well over 2 cords. When I retire... i'll probably get a truck and am planning on cutting and donating a lot to those that can not afford to heat their homes.
That it is, although New Hampshire isnt far behind. Between you, Mark and Chris Woodwhore you do pretty good.