It was 17 F here early this morning with a cold azz wind. The boiler was eating up Ash and something that looked like Elm overnight. I think we hit a high of about 25 today in the sun. Right now it is 18 and I went through a decent amount of White Pine throughout the day since I was here to keep reloading every 3-4 hours. I was only putting half a load in. Burning up twisted splits, uglies, etc.
19F and just got the stove loaded up for the long overnight haul. Black Birch, Ash, with some Cedar thrown in for good measure.
17 here and just reloaded with Red Maple. Hoping to start making some ice as the snowmobile trails go over the lakes, and folks like to drive their trucks out to the fishing spots thru the ice.
16 out 75 in. Burning coals down with hemlock. Never got to 30 yesterday and pretty breezy. Supposed to be in the 30’s today with a bit less wind, heat wave tomorrow at 50.
Got down to 12'F here in Massachusetts on the NH line. 20'F at 6:30AM when I got up. Burning a mix of hardwood, mainly oak, it's all 2 years seasoned or slightly more. Had both the Fireview in the main house and the Absolut Steel in the basement burning as I was Zooming it down there with friends last night.
I ran the oil furnace for a few minutes this morning. Temps should be in the mid 60's today so no need of a fire.
Saw a low of -34* driving into work last night and -15 coming home. It’s -15* now and spruce keeping things @a warm 72*.
Is it time then for putting the snows on ? What is the official end of SS ? The SS burn stack is close to nil.
30* out 68* maple and elm doing their thing. Its supposed to get in to the mid 60s today I can't stand schizophrenic weather like this...
37 and 74, burning coals down with hemlock. Might see 50 today woohoo! Schizophrenic weather is a good description Marvin
A little cool in house so thought I'd best light the stove. Opened door to get wood and wow! Felt like early summer outside. 56 degrees! That is higher than our normal high for sure and it is still dark.