I had an extra solar motion light that I've tried in a few spots on my property. I've had these same lights on my deck and porch for a couple years and they work great even with no direct sun. Why didn't I think to put lights in my wood storage areas before? This is about a 1 cord shed I built in June. I think I'll buy more.
Great idea! Are those only motion activated? Do you process wood in the dark blacktail or just to get splits for the fire?
Yes, the ones I have are. They come on for I think it’s 20 seconds at dusk, then with motion. Surprisingly bright for the size. Three of the four I have get 2-3 hours of sun a day at best yet they’re still going after two years. I’m satisfied with the $14 I spent for four.
I occasionally bring wood in at night. These are motion activated and stay on for something like 30 seconds.
That's a good idea. I may have to do that once I find a way to keep the barn cats from setting it off. I put my wood in the side of a corn crib. My plan is to build a door for the front and make an area for tools, this could work out well once its enclosed.
Splendid idea ole chap. Checking them out now. That's another one of those palm to forehead why didn't I think of that moments.
Had motion lights in a shed years ago...realized after they stole the quad outta there, all that motion light did was help them get gone faster!