My core strength has gone from awesome in the late 2000's to dismal, I get shooting pains from inside my hip/pelvis down my legs, is that sciatic nerve? Internet leads me there?
Usually shoots down the azz crack down the back of the leg for me. Everyone has nerves routed a little different though.
Thank you all for sharing your personal experiences with me. So far I’ve learned more about treating back pain here than I have from my medical doctor or a chiropractor I found in my area.
My wife says chiropractor’s mask pain and do not fix the issues. This might be a PT vs chiropractor thing though. Claims they manipulate the problem away but unless you fix the cause it just returns.
My spine doc told me the chiropractor can not change a physiological disorder, but a chiropractor relieved the pain of a bulging disc in my neck. I don’t care who the relief comes from if it works. Spine shots is probably not a good plan for anyone who doesn’t like needles, or want cortisone.
I have one word for you.....piriformis. It is a muscle buried deep in the hip. The sciatic nerve runs right next to it. If you start stretching the piriformis the sciatic pain will disappear. How do you stretch the piriformis? The pigeon stretch. Also you need to stretch those hamstrings. Start out easy w/the pigeon and work you way down a bit everyday. Ice where it hurts after every stretching session. I have been stretching my piriformis everyday for years. I have not had that kind of pain in years. It's easy. It's cheap. ...and you are in control. Good luck!
Wife had horrible sciatica, had injections, radio-frequency ablation, did PT, Went to chiropractor, nothing helped. She finally ended up with a herniated disc, not just bulging, and did not want a fusion. She ended up with a disc replacement at L5-S1, and went from not able to ride her horse faster than a walk to barrel racing 4 weeks after surgery.
You're welcome! Now, what is that billing address once again? Not for medical advice, mind you; just for advice in general! Remember, we're here to hep you spend your money! Seriously though, you can see from the varied responses what works for one does not necessarily work for all. Like I mentioned early in the thread, chiropractor visits and acupuncture sessions did not help this guy. Flexibility (stretching) always helps whether you back is bad or not. is impossible to do any sort of those PT or flexibility exercises during the "flare up" of the affliction. Find out what works for you and good luck once again!
Usually within a few hours for me...half of my family goes to the chiro-quack-ter regularly...I don't care if I never see one again...prefer not to actually...