This beauty fell down a few weeks ago and I was able to get 9 rounds of this baby before the took it away. Curious of what type of wood. Easy to split once you be hit it 4-5 times. Thanks!
Both pretty lightweight, both split pretty easy, both have similar bark texture/pattern. Did you get any leaf pics?
From my research the tree bark looks a lot like a tulip poplar. Guess that’s on the low end of BTU but will season in a year.
I'm thinking ash, though. Tulip poplar usually has a greenish heart to it, and the tracks under the bark look like borer tunnels.
I’d go with Ash also. Not seeing any sign of the greenish core. Possibly the pieces are too small to have developed it yet?
Looks like Ash to me. The 3rd pic at the top, looks like the telltale signs of the ash borer tunnels.
Ash! It has the tiny hole in the center, picture 3, a dead give away as well as the tracks of the EAB.
I'm going with Ash too, no darker heartwood. Take a close look at picture #3, the piece on the lower right where the bark is gone. Are those EAB frass tunnels I'm seeing?
I think it's ash also. Poplar bark generally has deeper grooves and with more space between the ridges (wider furrows). Peel some of the bark off and see if there are any larvae tracks - always the defining characteristic of ash for me. Google Image Result for
I see what all of you are saying in the ash ID, but..... It still doesn't look like ash to me and rather looks like poplar. I've seen larvae under poplar like that too.
The more I look at it, the less sure I am of what it actually is. In the first picture there are lots of black voids in the wood grain, which I came across earlier this year in the Poplar that I scrounged. I never saw that in Ash...