Tol me they look like red maple leaves, they were very small, which I know to look trees have much larger leaves usually.
Red maple I believe. Not tulip for sure. Tulip dosn't have shaggy bark. Tulip looks kind of like ash bark.
Can you zoom to the leaves? I saw a similar one on Mohawk Mountain last year. Had shaggy bark, but maplish leaves. Couldnt ID it. I never posted a thread here.
I did some research and its probably a black maple as is the tree i pictured. Very similar to sugar and considered a subspecies of it.
I did not. We were camping last Summer and in usual buZZsaw fashion i was checking out trees! Great views from Mohawk mountain. Take a ride sometime.
Leaves will give the answer. I've never seen a red with shaggy bark but maples will cross breed easily so you may have some kind of mutt.
I bee seen a ‘shagbark maple’ in the wild. There was a red maple in my parents that had that shag bark look. The tornado two years ago took it down.
Could be. A good close up of these leaves would definitely help. There's a lot of trees with bark that looks similar. The leaves typically give it away.
Thanks for all the responses everyone. I think I agree with being black maple. I feel like I haven’t seen many of those, so I really wasn’t sure what I was looking at when I saw it.
Saw another one today in a state forest in Granby. Enders Falls. Great day trip. Didnt have camera with me.
I don’t think it’a silver. I just scored some this morning and it has a much smoother bark. Also silver maple leaves look like sugar maple leaves but have more pronounced points.