Got a chance to grab some this tree when they take it down. Curious of what type of tree. Any help would be appreciated!
Looks like a Chestnut, so I hope it’s a hybrid and not American. If it’s an American Chestnut you will have something extra special.
Most of them were wiped out by Chestnut Blight (another gift from Asia) in this country starting in the early 1900s.
Yeah, it seems there's quite a cult(ivar) following with these trees. There's a few survivors out there and people are working hard to revive the species which is great. Reward for Large, Live, Healthy American Chestnuts in New York
There are nurseries selling true America Chestnuts from supposedly blight resistant trees. I planted 4, but none of them survived. Eastern forests were predominantly Chestnut prior to the blight. The wood had good decay resistance too. I heard it was better than Eastern Red Cedar for fence posts.
now the 3 amer chest trees i planted back in apr the leaves look similar to these but different (they still doin great to )
I learned something new recently and for some reason remembered this tree and post from 2 years ago For anyone interested, this is a sawtooth oak.