All this stuff your recommending, how is it for pets? We have gotten some blackberries that are an invasive and they are starting to grow all over the place. Love to get rid of them.
Your local extension agent can help too with any questions on herbicides. I’ve been a licensed pesticide applicator since 89. I’d recommend to all to read the labels. Brush killing herbicides are highly volatile and will leach into your ground water.
Ailanthus altissima or Tree of heaven extremely invasive tree if you cut that it will come back with multiple stems from each stump best is tordon or Garlon4 those products will take out all but do not spray in root zone of desirable trees if the tree of heaven is within the root zones of a tree cut it off and brush the stump with tordon it will translocate to the roots and kill just that tree JB
The labels are the law and like I said earlier if you follow the rules on the label most all herbicides are safe that you can buy without a licence if they are more dangerous they are restricted use and require a licence to purchase but every state is different so what you can use in my state may be restricted in yours Chud made a excellent suggestion contact your county extension agent you pay their salary and they are always ready to help I have got a lot of information from them over the years JB
I was paid by my brother in law to kill woody things along his township highway roadsides. He did not want the grass killed. So Round Up was out. My first pass was May 25th. I used Gordon’s Acreage Pro which is 3 parts 2-4 D and one part Dicamba. It worked very well on everything but Mulberry. I purchased some generic Garlon 4 on eBay for the second spray which was July 10th. Garlon 4 smoked the Mulberry the Dicamba/2-4 D did not kill. I did not use any surfactant with the 2-4 D mix but I did use Canola oil for the Garlon 4. Canola oil is cheap but it works. Mulberry has such a shiny leaf you need something to make your spray solution stick. Brother in law is very pleased with my efforts. I went by the label exactly both applications. He wants to hire me to do more next year.
That mix is my weapon of choice as well. Looks like several others use it too. It's not very expensive when you buy the larger jugs. As others have mentioned, spray on a calm day. Multifloral Rose and Honeysuckle are my most hated invasive species here at ground level. Wild Grapevine is the other thing that I try to keep off our property, it will take over and kill the trees eventually. Glyphosate goes on fresh cut invasive stuff as well if it is big enough.
As was just mentioned by Chud & JB Sawman the label is the law. Indiscriminately spraying in violation of the label is a FIFRA infraction. For a specific application like brush killing, Garlon or Crossbow would be a good choice. From memory it seems like a basal bark treatment is recommended but during dormant winter month. My beef is often suggestions just aren't appropriate for the given application. I do like Tordon a lot for immediate treatment on cut off stumps.
Yep. Having my private applicators license I agree. What the label says dictates what I can and will spray. Raising produce I'm extra careful .
I have a restricted use license so I can spray on the farm. Also agreeing that the label dictates the amount of chemical that can be applied. One brand of 2-4d can have different rates than another brand. The most effective method of brush control I have used lately is a mist sprayer with 2-4d and dicamba, applied fall and early spring.
Like I said earlier, a lot of bad advice here. Glyphosate is one of the safest herbicides you can use. Just because a few lawsuits that started in Kalifornia doesn't make it so.
Can't agree more. I have a license also for turf and use an array of products for the apple orchard. One product, Gramoxone, formerly Paraquat is going to get more difficult after this year under the restricted use due to Govt. red tape. I can get it right now but don't know if I even want to handle it. Amazing stuff though.
HDRock this is what I mean by woody things. I snapped some pics on my walk to give you an idea. I used my ATV sprayer but I shut off two out of the three nozzles and turned the 3rd nozzle up at a real good angle, ran 25# PSI and drove 2 MPH. My results were fine but it took two sprays about 45 days apart. You can see all grass, foxtail, brome, quack, etc that my bro in law didn’t want harmed so I could not use RoundUp.