My dad got into a nest of yellow jackets today back behind my barn getting some lumber. Game on tonight.
Get em. Was sitting in truck at lunch eating a sub, sure enough one of those little bastages figured I got it some lunch.
I deployed approx 64 oz of 87 octane ordnances on 2 enemy locations. Enemy called in close air support (mosquitos) so I had to execute rapid exit maneuvers. Recon team will assess enemy casualties at 0800 tomorrow.
Since I obviously missed a nest hole last night I went with the ol' carpet bomb technique. Soak the whole area with gas, lay down a few empty feed sacks covering the area, weight down the edges, and soak with more gas. They come out of the hole, try to find an exit, and get fumed out searching under the feed bags.
It's on again.. So.. We're sitting, enjoying a bonfire, then Holly starts acting strange.. Chazsbetterhalf says she has a bee chasing her.. She's pawing at the ground When I get to her I'm smacking 5 or so ground bees off of her She's cowering like I'm mad and beating her.. I felt bad, but had to get all the little bastages off of her They are gonna get a visit very soon Had I had one.. I'd have gone all So much for a nice relaxing evening
Local guy of 55 YO died recently...was cleaning his porch gutters and was attacked by bees...not sure if the bees got him, or he fell...either way
Chit...started reading and did not check the date...when I saw Mad Dog responded to Fireball, checked and it wasn't current...Miss that little Fireball drinkin fella
Last year I had a large Yellow Jacket nest inside my barn loft at the top of the stairs, right above you as soon as you open the door. An early morning counterattack was planned, and I walked up with a can in each handed and emptied them into the nest. The little buggers fell like raindrops and hit the deck in quick succession. I left the partial nest and fallen soldiers as a grim reminder to the others to not come back to this place!!! The total death toll was never confirmed but there were several dozen at least. Yesterday, I was walking out of my barn lower level and a black hornet stung me twice in quick order. I went to the house, and returned with a can of spray. I blasted the hole they had crawled pout of and at least 6 or 7 fell to the ground. One of them tried to fly away like a coward towards a nearby tree. I carefully aimed and got him in mid air, watching in great pleasure as he descended to the ground covered in white foam, letting out a death cough.