We live in a constant state of surveillance, from multiple sources. A couple years back I was shooting the breeze with someone about getting an LLC. I had probably a 5 minute conversation with this random individual. That night and every day for the next couple weeks, I was getting bombarded with ads on YouTube for obtaining an LLC. So the only logical conclusion I could come to is that the app is listening in on your phone and the algorithms are hard at work trying to sell you stuff. This is why YouTube is free. YOU THE INDIVIDUAL are being sold. It's on all the social media platforms too. That's why I ditched FB and Instagram years ago. This is the only forum I participate in. I don't want this huge online footprint anymore where every keystroke is recorded, every search catalogued, categorized and documented, all for these tech giants to do whatever with, the NSA, whoever. It's too much like China where every citizen has a "report card" that the government keeps track of. No thanks. I was born in 1984, I don't need to live in it. (a little late for that, I'm well aware)
My cousin has worked for them since the late 80s. They are able to track you through their hand held computer scanner thing. It knows everything, if you’re stopped, moving, walking, speed, everything. They have a quota that a delivery takes x amount of seconds, after so many out of quota deliveries you are written up. Pays good but I’d take that BS about a half a day.
this is the truth, they know if your hand brake was set, your seat belt is buckled and so on. The pay and benefits is excellent but you're aboslutely right. working for them not so much.. They actually send out safety people to check on the drivers and observe them doing their job. Drivers don't know if they are being watched or not. They just tagged a guy last month because he was observed rolling his sleeves up while going down the road. There are guys there who run hard all day and don't take any breaks until they get back to the hub. Once they pull into the parking lot, they punch out for their lunch and than unload their critical packages while clocked out. This keeps them in that time frame the company expects of them. A lot of them are carrying pizzbombs when they come back in too. just a couple stories didn't want to derail just agreeing 1000% with your post.
Truth. 14 years in driving and everything stayed so far in this thread is truth. Please people. Don’t give your driver a hard time. We are busting are azzes daily. The company gives zero fricks about it’s employees. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He has said he had clocked out for lunch and left the handheld somewhere and went back to retrieve it after joy riding the ups truck around town doing errands.
Ya the trucks have magic boxes called gps. The handheld and the truck are linked together every morning. So when you leave the handheld, then go drive the truck, they still know your driving around. You could be going to give blood or donate your time doing charity work at lunch. They don’t care. Only care about the bottom line. Stealing fuel in there eyes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk