Not sure of other areas so I’ll ask. Here in western PA all the locust leaves are all brown or getting there quickly. I was with my buddy today just outside Pittsburgh, 50 miles south of me, and any locust that way were all brown also. Don’t ever recall seeing them brown up this way this early. This happening anywhere else?
I was just in Long Island and many trees are severely damaged with brown leaves. This includes all varieties...Some trees are partly brown and some completely and frankly is looks as if some are dead. This all depends on how close they were to the water. The leaves have been burned with salt water spray from that tropical storm. Not sue if thats the problem in PA, but maybe there it's due to the wind whipping up the leaves from same storm? In LI people say the trees by the water turned brown the very next day after storm, but further inland it took 3 to 4 days for partial browning
havent seen that problem with locusts trees here in southern wv ...... however i have seen a small probl with some red oak , peach red maple trees and a few others that kinda took a 1, 2 hit from weird spring weather and cicadas appearing in number
In my area, we are in a moderate drought. The trees are showing drought stress, and some starting to change color already...