Driveway during storm Mid storm maple damage After storm Now, just a little more pole saw work and lots of brus to haul away.
Probably a combo of the heat and starting off parched . Many of my tomatoes are stunted and I've been watering. Plants I grew last year that got a good ten feet tall are not quite 5 this year.
Oh yeah. Indeterminates like yellow pear will over grow my poles easy, especially if you prune the suckers off. That tall is a PITA actually.
A little update on the Isaias red oak that fell into my processing area. Got my splitter going yesterday and knocked out some serious splits. There’s still a pile of limb wood but it’s small enough to not split it. Time to go after some more storm wood!
Yeah that's what's left of the stump of the tree that fell into my stacks. It's probably 8' long. I've been putting off dealing with it because it's full of dirt and I know I'm going to go through a couple chains hacking it up. Also the remnants of my wire fence are all crushed underneath and I'll have to cut it with snips to remove it. BUT... I do need to get it out of there because right on the other side of it is the twin oak to it that fell in the other direction, which I intend to go after this fall.
can use a hatchet to remove the dirt. Save your chains . I use a Thai cooking machete LOL. Laugh along with me I’ve tried em all and it’s the best bark remover I have.
Finally getting back to the tropical storm double red oak score that fell in my and my neighbor's back yard. It's a mess back there with limbs and saplings everywhere. I never did like bucking large wood directly on the ground. Always a struggle getting that first round out and giving yourself room to work. Anyway I have a few 30" rounds bucked and ready to be split, plus probably another 15 or so I'll get when I finish bucking the long trunk section. My splitter is currently on loan to my uncle one town over who is also busy processing a few trees that came down on his property. I think after these rounds are processed and stacked, I'll be all set with red oak for a while LOL. At least I found this nice 10 foot pallet recently that should help accommodate some of the remaining wood I plan on taking. All said and done I'll have this humongous oak pile that'll resemble a towering locomotive engine. I'll leave all the limb wood for my neighbor who only burns casually in his outdoor pit. He's grateful that I was more than willing to cut up and take ANY of the fallen oak tree off his property.