As I mentioned in the Isaiah thread I had some trees come down in the storm. This big pine was one of the ones I mentioned. Notice how its down between the two trees standing, but still looks relatively straight. I started walking along the right side of the tree marking it off for 12' lengths for the sawmill. Once I got to the second tree it was stuck against I switched sides and continued marking. When I got ready to make my final cuts, I started back at the root ball but I wasn't able to cut all the way through due to the dirt. I moved up to the third 12' mark which was near the second tree. I was cutting from the right side because there was less debris in the way on that side. As I was cutting, I noticed the cut opening up slightly towards me. I realized that the tree was under tension and that I should switch to the other side of the tree to finish my cut "just to be safe". I didn't realize just how much tension it was under. When I was close to finishing the cut, the tree snapped through the rest of the cut and jumped about 4+ feet to the right (look at the difference between the location of the logs at the third cut up.) There was no roll in that photo, just horizontal movement. If I had finished the cut from the right side where I had been, I would have easily broken one or both of my legs. Or worse.
Very good reminder. I have cut some mangled messes and you have to stay very aware of what is under tention. My dad has a scar on his head from a widow maker that came down and knocked him out. Always have to be aware.
Glad you took the time to assess the situation and come up with a safe plan to avoid anything happening.
Here’s one you don’t see everyday. Or maybe never again. Police: Newtown man killed in saw accident while clearing tree