Had my neighbor knock on my door earlier. He had an ash branch come down. Looks like I'm cutting in the morning. Just need to remember to put gas in the saw.
With the rain we received early this morning we had a total of two inches without any winds on the 4th. Today was windier and you could here a few trees or big limbs come down on our neighbor's property.
We got hit pretty hard in south jersey. We lost power for about 19hrs and still many in my area without. Lost the top of a big sassafras that almost took out little pineys bunny hutch (bunny is ok!) A big oak limb took out the service going to the house next to my parents (which they own and are currently trying to sell). Ripped the freakin meter right off the house . Marmora/strathmere had a tornado that did some serious damage and it looks like bucks county pa had one as well. Prayers for all those still affected and hope power comes back soon!
36 hours and counting here no power. Not expected to be back on until mid day tomorrow. Greaaaaaaattttttttt............
Yes sir. A Generac 7000. Have a large cord that backfeeds the house. Main panel breaker is off. I can use everything from water pump, toilets, shower, lights, fridge, freezer, microwave, etc. The only things I don't use are my 220V appliances.
Still no power here. Been through 40 gallons of gas since Tuesday and that’s running the generator 1/2 days Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk