Thanks! I get lucky once an a while with the pictures. The fire crews and plains are making some good progress. The skimmer plains have been flying over the house all day, they're filling up at a lake about 2 miles south of me...... Plus the DC-10 jets are making their drops. Last I checked the fire is still at 18,000 acres of Pinion pine, Sage and one home and some out buildings burnt. I made it through DMV this morning and got a tag for my RS...I was turned away on Monday, because my paperwork was screwed up
I have owned at least 20 motorcycles. One of my biggest gripes is whenever I buy one and it doesn’t have a gear indicator. My 2019 Super Cub has one and the 2014 CTX 1300 I traded for the Stateline had one. Honda didn’t put one on the 2013 Stateline so eBay came to my rescue. I am $150 poorer but am a happy camper once again.
Once we get some tire work done we are ready for Colorado. For the 14 days we will be gone good old Dad has already put 6 nights lodging on the card. So amped to git to the mountains hurry September. Our trip will be about 6000 miles if things go as planned
Not a chance. We need speed to get across the Great Plains pronto. I have been watching this skinny jeans rider wander from Michigan to the west coast on his Super Cub. Would be a fun ride if I was younger and not in a hurry: Honda C125 Michigan to California (and back)
We finish his bike tonite and start mine tomorrow Then Dad does two engine oil and final drive changes cuz dad has time
I'm sure you are already on top of it...but make sure you grease the drive hub splines on that wheel before re-installing it...they can get dry and rusty, which will wear the splines out over time...not as much of a problem on Honda's as some others, but still. A light coat of grease on that axle is a good idea too...can't tell you how many I have had to sledge hammer out due to being assembled dry
I always use a popsicle stick to paint Honda Moly on those gears. If you get Honda Moly on your hands, it is there for a week! Good stuff even BMW guys are using it
I finally pulled the trigger. Not what I started out looking for. I just couldn't pass on it. 2004 Road King. Less than 18k miles. Other than the handle bars I'm really enjoying it.
Nice bike! Those bars look like a mini ape/beach bar combo! And you got some firewood in the pic. Good job bro!
Definitely great views. At the top of lawler you are above the fog, looks amazing. The big views are looking west towards Eugene