the sad part of that story is that the bear will have to be destroyed. Garbage bears don't ever leave it alone and when denied that original source will tear things apart looking for more garbage. It has been a real problem here on the north end of the island.
We had one last month behind me and my neighbors house, pretty rare around these parts. It was an absolute comotion to say the least, cops, neighbors, bear groupies, etc... street was littered with folks trying to get a glimpse. Thought for sure they would relocate but NJ fish and wildlife told local PD to let it be and it will make it way. Sure enough it did but not after eating a few bird feeders along the way and going through my trash that evening. PD mentioned a wildfire that may have flushed him out of the pine barrens not to far away. PD allowed me to get up pretty close, absolutely fascinating animal, was like a clumsy kid as he tried to open up the bird feeder.
A few years ago my neighbor had one coming in her bedroom window. Noise woke her up. She thought it was her husband coming to bed after falling asleep on the couch. She got up an said , Jim, what are you doing? Turned the light on and turned around to see the bears head in the window and was trying to get the screen off its face. She punched it on the end of the nose till it backed out the window then she closed the window. Oh yeah, she's a riot!
Just had one on the back deck, tore up 3 bird feeders. I stepped out to take a picture and the flash sent it into warp drive. As fast as they are, they don't make a sound. It was fair sized, 200 lbs + easy. Play time is over, 12g. with rubber buckshot is ready.