You Rock Molly!!! Go get'r! If your Toyota could only talk!!! You should send a pic of some of this to them, you may get a "Truck" out of the deal!!!
That would be cool, but the tailgate might be too high. My dad had a 2007 Rav4 for 12 years. After 170,000 miles it still drove like new with only routine maintenance needed. Can't say that about many cars.
My friend with lots of dead oak behind her house called me, her neighbor's son cut a lot down, and offered it to my friend. She doesn't burn, so she offered it to me. I had to carry it all uphill to the end of her driveway. The hand truck was useless, the leaves were too deep, and the way up too twisty. First load, I'll have to go back for the rest. It's only 10 minutes away. Red oak, looks dry enough to burn next winter. Probably a quarter of a cord.
Was that the dead standing you scored the other day with the MM? Id pass if i had to pay for wood. IME part of the pleasure of getting it for "free"
Yes, the MM is stuck in the dead standing. But, once I split it, it should dry pretty fast. If it was November, and that big oak was free, I'd take it. Who knows what the future holds.
I wouldnt think of paying to take that tree. Especially with what you've been dragging home lately from Dave's.
Back from Winchester! Another load of sugar maple. Stuff is heavy, otherwise I'd fill the car more. Some more poles for Mwalsh9152. The rounds are what I've taken so far this summer, probably a little less than a cord. WeldrDave, I didn't notice it before, but your next door neighbor has a for sale sign up, Better Homes.