I had 1 nice rack along the wall to right. The rest was on pallets with just tarps over them that always get shredded up in the wind. I want to build 2 lean to sheds that lean foward on each side of the center door. It was grass and mud always so I put down 4 inch's of processes and I had a bunch of used pavers so I will have a walk to run the wheel barrow in to the cellar. The sheds will be wide enough to fit 2 rows of wood with open front. My question is should I leave the back with some 4 inch gaps so wind will continue to dry and floor will be decking should I leave 1\4 to 1\2 inch of room between decking boards also. The back will be about 4 inches out from wall of house.
It's leave 1/4" between the decking boards to help with air flow. So are you going to have some sort of window protection? Got a napkin or paint sketch to help us visualize?
Left of center cellar door will be the full 11 ft by 4' 6" Right of cellar I have to leave room to get in that's the single row for 7'6" so I can get into that side door where my wood stove is. Here's a quick scetch
And the back boards is what I was talking about leaving 4" between those will be 1 x 6 verticals so it will protect wood from falling into window. Been lucky for 15 years I usually stack the wood up to about the second row of siding . Stood on latter stacking all the way across. 1 night it did fall over away from the house left of the center door. What a noise that was.
I’d leave a 1” gap in the flooring, more air and less flooring to buy. I would leave an air gap in the back also. I like air. I’d have the floor about a foot off the ground, keeps from getting moisture from the ground. When I built my woodshed I left a 1” gap at the to and bottom of the siding so that would circulate air as well.