A lot of guys here have nice big heavy equipment for skidding logs, acres of land, monster saws, winches and large trailers. I'm happy enough having this little 3' X 5' trailer and my Craftsman lawn tractor for moving firewood and general stuff around the yard. The trailer I found on Craigslist last month for $40. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to Frankenstein the thing and weld the trailer body on top of an old riding mower deck. I ditched the mower deck, made a new rear axle, fabricated a drop down tongue mount to mate it to my tractor, put some new wheels on it and added a plywood floor. So for under $100 I have a simple setup that's way better than hauling stuff by hand in a wheelbarrow. Plus my kids love riding in the back
Big labor saver for a smaller property. I use a small cable hooked to the lawn tractor to haul brush to the piles out back. Huge labor saver.
Nice trailer. I have a little one I got of Craigslist 7-8 years ago for around $30 and beat the heck out of it. Haven't used it for a couple years but need to pull it out and put it back to work. Yours look a lot nicer than mine.
Cheap or free is awesome when it helps process the BTUs. Alot of us on here are not young anymore and any equipment that takes some strain off the back is welcome.
Thanks, the body on mine is actually starting to deteriorate (hence the plywood floor to cover up a couple pin holes). Before too long here I'll probably paint it with black Rustoleum in an attempt to stop the rust. Even so, I figure if I get 2-3 years out of it, I got my money's worth. The ones at Harbor Freight for $120 bucks new aren't much better anyway. The Chineseum steel rots fast. Down the road I'll build one from scratch that'll take a heavier load and will last at least a decade.
That's what I thought when I got mine for free as my brother was gonna throw it in the landfill. That was 22 years ago and I heated our old house with wood gathered in it for 8 years before we built here. It still sits next to the shed outside and the tires hold air and the wife uses it for gardening pulling it behind her little Suzuki LT80. It's definitely a patched up Frankentrailer, but still works great. I use it behind my quad too when I just want to drag the saws or other tools to the other side of the woods. Beats getting out the tractor when I'm not planning on a big load of something.
Well you may not have a big fancy tractor and trailer but you do have some skills and put them to work with a pretty nice outcome. Nice job.
Nice work on the trailer I would definitely clean and Rustoleum the base under the plywood sooner than later. The plywood will hold moisture in contact with the metal underneath.
I used and still use garden tractors all around my 21 acre property. The big stuff is faster and more efficient, but the little tractors are fun to use, don’t take up much space and don’t cost a lot to repair. Anything is better than pushing a wheelbarrow with 400 lbs in it across the yard twenty times.
The garden tractors are nice to have around, I have 2 '96 Ingersoll 3014s (started out as Colt in the early 60's and then became the Case GT line and in the 80s became Ingersoll). One is the mower most of the time and the other shares the snowblower and rototiller duties. There are several brands out there that were (are???) built like tanks and hold up well with normal maintenance. A little TLC and they will last a lifetime under normal use (which can be pretty tough at times). I don't baby mine, they get used hard but they are well fed and taken care of... With all the blogs and info out here on the web, it's pretty easy to maintain equipment these days.
Very familiar with the Case/Ingersoll line. I've owned 3 hi wheelers, 4 lo pros, and a hyloader. Great tractors. Heres one of my 448's
When I very first started gathering firewood, I used our lil' ole JD L110 that had spiked tires chains on the rear and rear weights attached. I removed the mower deck for winter, as I also used it to plow back then. I pulled a little 10CF garden trailer which I added taller sides to in order to double it's capacity. Anyway, I would drive this thing into the woods and pickup what I cut. I found out later the neighbor would watch me from across the street and laugh and tell his wife how I really needed an ATV. At times the front of the rider would actually lift up off the ground due to climbing a hill, good traction and pulling more than I probably should have been. It wasn't long after that I bought an ATV, as I was thinking if I don't do it soon I'll be buying an ATV AND a new rider. LOL For a cheap Home Depot L110, it sure has took quite a bit of abuse.