Sweet find. Seems lik $40-50 here. Thought about them to catch rain water from the roof for watering the yard during dry months, but haven't done it plus more crap for me to have around for the neighbors to look at. Too much of that as it is. LOL
wish they only had half the tanks with them got 50 some lay around that got to get rid of and most are not food grade
"Half tanks" make good wood hut rooves. pic courtesy leoht Like the free ones I have brought to Walt's GTG 2 years in a row?...with no takers...
Omaha area is flat lands too!!!! If you lived here you might bump 8 or 10. Omaha....nice people but corn as far as the eye can see! I have to get out that way soon for work.
Sellers in NY start at $100. $10 is amazing. I found a guy who sold 4 of 'em to me from NJ for $25 each and I thought that was a steal!