Unfortunately all I have to work with is a worn out kettle grill. We will do the best with what we got.
Having ribs and Mac and cheese, coleslaw and other food stuff at a friend's house for a cook out. I gotta run to the liquor store for a 6er and some vino to bring.
i usually go 3hr in the smoke then wrap and start checking after another 2.5hr....i dont check temp,just probe for tenderness ...you can unwrap and set the bark if you want it pretty,i slice and eat! im also cooking @250-275°
I may be under temp and short timing it while trying to compensate for a smaller and thinner cut. Similar to 25 years ago when cooking a chuck roast in slow cooker for beef stew. I talked to my dad and told him I had overcooked it as it came out tough and a bit dry. After telling him my cook times he told me I was under cooking it-he was right