Tried smoking some burgers tonight. Smoked for 30 minutes and seared at 400ºF until med/rare. Juicy and tasty!!
Thanks Rope. I'll give it a shot one of these days. Thankfully I've got a bunch of deer breakfast sausage that i can try.
Grilled up 2 nice porterhouse steaks after I cleaned up the grill this afternoon. They were delicious.
I do a batch of burgers every week or so for lunches. I'll put them on directly on the fire grates then close the lid on the ceramic. It's not a heavy smoke but just enough. The microwave does a good re heating them later by placing a burger on a plate with a little water and cover with a bowl. After reheating a slice of cheese will melt with the bowl put back on without the m/w in a minute. Pretty good 4-5 minute substitute for really cooking.
Threw a butt on the smoker around 3am this morning. It's currently stalled at 176°. That's higher than the normal stall temp i get of around 150-160° but it should start rising after a bit. Gonna throw some chicken thighs on when i pull the butt off to rest.
Got a strami finsihing up at the moment. Dis a larger point cut abut a month ago. This one is a smaller flat cut. The point cut was fantastic, cooking the flat cut at lower temps (around 200) as the last flat cut I did came out dry and a bit tough. Will see how this one comes out.
Same here on a ceramic. I find that just grilling at about 300 deg on the grates gives just enough smoke flavor. Ive tried smoking low temp and then searing, but just plain grilling over lump does the job just as well and quicker. If I want a bit more smoke, just throw some small wood chips on the coals when cooking.
Ohh yaaaaa . Gettin up at 3am is always worth it when they turn out like this. Bout 12hrs smoke and 1hr rest. Chicken thighs turned out pretty good too. The mrs pulled the skin off that ya see in the right lol
I know, had to cook about 1 1/2 hrs. All the whole chickens look like they are kin to Dolly Parton...
Smoked a butt as well, forgot to take pics before it got plated. Kids got extra treat to watch TV during dinner.
Flat cut came out OK but still not as good as the point cut-maybe due to more fat in the point cut?. Strami is one area I am not sure about judging cook temp and time by the size and cut. In an attempt to not dry it out, I may be under cooking it and not rendering the small amount of marble? SKEETER McCLUSKEY , or others who do these quite a bit. Suggestions? How do you know when they are done without drying them out?