It all went in his rack. The bark on the hickory and oak was getting loose. Splitter took it off pretty easy. He got charged a little extra...he processes deer for the public, makes a lot of summer sausage and smokes it with our wood. That will last him about 2 yrs.
I would be trying to get some of the venison. Have him charge 1# of the sausage to go to you to the customer for the cost of his smoking wood. Man that would be nice. Lol
Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Sausage Fatty - Bacon Explosion You can modify for your occasion or taste. The above was mild Italian sausage, 1/2 can of tomato paste spread thin, then a layer of sliced mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, provolone cheese, pepperoni and then sautéed Taters and onions, roll up. I usually overstuff so I keep it in foil for 30-45 minutes before unfoiling. We used a country French bread with this one. For breakfast I use 2 small Jimmy Dean sausage, usually 1 sage and 1 hot, then 3 scrambled eggs, sautéed taters, onion, mushrooms, shredded cheese. This one in the oven for hour or so@350*. Take out while resting, throw in the biscuits. If you google Images sausage fatty and loot you will see plenty of ideas.
The one above is from left over scrambled eggs maybe 1-2 and potatoes and cheese. May have taken 10 minutes with taking photos to prep. 20-25 minutes wrapped in foil then pulled down to allow browning but still holding the drippins and keeping pan easy to clean. Pulled out of a 350 oven at 1:15 cook time, when I liked the color of the sausage. Set on stove to cool, I closed the foil to keep heat in while the biscuits were cooking.
Okay SKEETER McCLUSKEY've got my interest and attention... I wanna know how you're gonna cook those caps after you put the killer hogs on 'em...
I'm gonna do another faux pastrami tomorrow I'm not soaking that long in water anymore....I've made these for years but seems from my research the longer I let it soak the texture and flavor goes away ....just ends up like grey meat...but I'm a big fan of aliens so maybe I'm onto something