Well found 3 nice pallets. So I decided to build a chunky wood container. Nice not having them on the ground waiting to twist my ankle. Had a 6 foot piece of pine sitting around so I milled it up to build the rest of it.
Nice work. I make mine very similar with pallets and scrap lumber. I always like finding a 48x48 pallet at my source for them. Use mostly 40x48 ones for wood stacks
Ya I definitely lucked out on that deal that big pallet fit right in between in the back. Thought I was going to have to make up something to fill the gap. And the 2 sides where right next to each other. Good finding a score like that every once in awhile
Nice! I definitely get these when running a good load of wood through the splitter so it would get filled up quickly! These chunks don’t get nearly enough credit they are great to toss in and they dry just enough to be ready for the burning season!