First truck load split yesterday. Cut and loaded a second load but ran out of light before I could get it cut. I've still got probably 3-4 more truck loads. I'm guessing I'll get 3-3 1/2 cord out of this haul by the time it's all said and done. Wood seems to split pretty easily, and the haul is only about 1/2 mile away. Definitely an awesome score!
Fresh cut hand splits a lot easier than if it dries a bit IME. Ill actually wait til dried rounds get rained on then split em. Oak not usually affected by this though luckily. Some nice looking splits! Did you split them with a hatchet? My five year old daughter was "helping" me split, so I let her have the hatchet (pictured). I was using my Fiskars Isocore maul. I love it so much. I've gotten pretty good at splitting with it, and I can typically get a 6 3/4' truck bed load split in a little over an hour, which I think is about 2/3 of a cord (pretty tall sides).
I live in the city too, so it's always fun splitting on the easement in front of my house next to a road and sidewalk with cars driving by and people walking by on the sidewalk. I think people think I am a bit crazy, lol, which is great, because they know which house NOT to mess with.
Quite the sight to see. Id stop, watch, applaud, then jump in and split too. Common sight around these parts to see me swinging the Isocore roadside. I used to be rather sheepish to do this, now i dont care. Mostly to make big rounds easier to load. I can probably load most of them in the full round, but a back injury last year made me wiser. Have you tried the Fiskars X27 axe? Great complement to the Isocore and i highly recommend it.
I have not, heard good things about it though. I have a cheapo Kobalt axe, and I'll probably wait until it is nearing it's end of life before upgrading to the Fiskars X27. Although to be honest, that end of life might be a LONG time from now, because the isocore maul is so versatile, I rarely use the axe.
Yeah, there's definitely silver maple leaves in there too go along with the maple helicopter seeds. The other tree could be red oak. Leaves would definitely help to ID. Regardless, that's nice firewood for the future!
Got the 2nd truckload chopped. Need to get it moved into my woodshed before I pick up anymore loads. buZZsaw BRAD - Pictured is my Fiskars to prove I didn't use a hatchet this time. ;-)
Way to get it done! How far and easy is it to get it to the shed? Wheelbarrow? Nothing wrong with that Kobalt axe. They make good tools. Own a few of their hand tools myself. I think they are made by Snap on and have lifetime warranty.
hah, good point. The crazy man with the axe. Don’t mess with him. I did competitive rifle shooting for ten years. Had a 200 yard range on my property. Shot almost everyday working up load development. All the rash of break ins going on in the neighborhoods around me for years not once did anyone set foot on my property with malicious intent used to joke about it with the neighbors. I think it’s real. Sometimes a crook just looks at a house and says “Yeah no, not that one. Somebody crazy must live there”. LOL
My wood shed is about 50 feet away, just have to back the truck into the yard and unload it. It's not ideal having to unload, chop, and then reload and unload again, but my property makes it very difficult to chop closer to the woodshed, and sometimes I just don't have time to chop at the property where I harvest from.
Got it unloaded. My rows are 8' tall, 12' long, and 18" deep. I still have 3-4 more truckloads to go on this Maple/Red Oak haul. I estimate I'll have 3 1/2 or so cord after getting it all.